COVID-19 moleculeBVHC is working diligently to keep our patients and staff safe and healthy. We are taking precautionary measures to help stop the spread of germs within the Health Center and are screening all patients when they call or come in for a regularly scheduled appointment. Check out our new check-in process video here .

If you believe that you have had casual exposure to someone positive for COVID-19, you should stay home, self monitor by taking your temperature regularly, and call your primary care provider if symptoms arise.

If you are experiencing severe symptoms, you should call your primary care provider for guidance, or if experiencing symptoms that would usually lead you to seek emergent care, go to the nearest emergency department. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is constantly updating their website with information that can help you better understand what COVID-19 is. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and information on their website will be updated as it becomes available.

For frequently asked questions and information about addressing COVID-19 in our area, you can visit SVMC’s website.

Guidelines and restrictions, from both state and national government, have been put in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The changes in our lifestyles: not seeing our loved ones; not going to work; the stress of paying for household bills; homeschooling our children; the list goes on, can have real and lasting effects on our mental health. The US Department of Veteran Affairs has created the COVID Coach app website for everyone to support self care and overall mental health during the pandemic.

Federal law now requires all health insurers (except short-term plans) to cover all costs associated with COVID-19 testing without imposing any copays or deductibles, and regardless of whether the provider is in-network. This requirement covers the test and the visit that resulted in the order for the test. For those who are uninsured, the total cost to a self-pay patient is $100 for COVID-19 testing at SVMC. Note: Please call SVMC for most up-to-date testing information.
Stop the Spread of Germs

Stop the Spread of Germs

Facts about COVID-19 Need to know about COVID-19