You’ll love the way we care for you.
Battenkill Valley Health Center providers know and care about the patients they serve. Good oral health improves a person’s ability to speak, smile, taste, touch, chew, swallow, and make facial expressions to show feelings and emotions. The dental team at BVHC provides oral care in four state-of-the-art dental operatories. From cleanings to restorative care, BVHC provides general dentistry to patients starting at age one, helping patients of all ages with their oral health care.
Dental Hygienist:

Jeremy Clover, DMD
Dr. Clover received his Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in 2011 and his DMD from Tufts University’s School of Dental Medicine in 2015. He has spent that last five years providing care to patients in southern Vermont.
“I am dedicated to providing my patients with ethical and reliable dental care, and communicating recommended treatment options to patients in a way that makes them comfortable. I am thrilled to care for the patients of BVHC and work in the health center model where integrated, whole-person health is a priority.”

Terri Hirsch, RDH
Terri has practiced locally since earning her Dental Hygiene Degree from SUNY Orange in Middletown, NY in 2001. Before joining the BVHC team in May 2017, she worked in Bennington schools to improve the oral health of students there. “Teaching children the skills to maintain a healthy mouth is very rewarding.”

Taryn Dunlop, RDH
Taryn, a 2011 graduate of Vermont Technical College, joined BVHC in March 2021. As a registered dental hygienist, Taryn develops strong baselines for evaluating her patients’ overall health, and with that, is able to present specific treatment plans that meet individual needs. “Improving the oral health of my patients by providing quality care, education, and prevention is my top priority.”

Jackie Thomson, RDH
Jackie has been providing patient care as a registered hygienist in Bennington County since her graduation from Hudson Valley Community College in 1998. Jackie is at BVHC on Wednesdays helping to create additional access for our patients. “Being a part of a team that has a commitment to excellence in all aspects of healthcare delivery is important to me. I am excited to be here.”

Julia Leonetti, RDH
Julia has been providing patient care as a registered hygienist in Bennington County since her graduation from Hudson Valley Community College in 2006. In addition, she has worked with 802 Smile doing age-based dental presentations and visual oral screenings. Julia joined the BVHC team in October of 2022 and sees patients on Fridays helping to create additional access to dental care. “I have always loved going to the dentist and became a dental hygienist so that I could facilitate great dental experiences for others. I have loved working with elementary school children and encouraging good oral habits from a young age, helping to create a lifetime of healthy smiles!” Julia grew up in Bennington and enjoys gardening, camping, and spending time with her family.